What You’ll learn from this course?
- Grocery App with Backend
- Firebase Setup
- Firestore
- Authentication
- Cloud Storage
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (Push Notification)
- Firebase Cloud Function
- Facebook/Google Login
- Accessing Geolocation
- Google Maps & Geocoding
Course Syllabus
Firebase Introduction
What is Firebase & Why we need it?
Create a Firebase Project
Firebase Android Setup
Firebase iOS Setup
Firebase Core Setup
User Accounts
Email – Password Authentication (Login & Logout)
Managing User Session Across All Pages
Reading User Accounts
Updating User Profile
Upload Profile Image (Firebase Cloud Storage)
Linking Firebase Storage & Firestore
Products & Categories Management
Store App Introduction
Categories CRUD
Add Product + Upload Image
Edit & Delete Product Effectively
Code Optimisation – Authentication
Code Optimisation – ProfileĀ
Products Listing (GetX Implementation)
Category CRUD – GetX Implementation
Product CRUD (Getx Implementation)
Cart + Order Management
Register User Accounts into Firestore
Decoding Cart Logic (Dart)
Cart Implementation
Managing Delivery Address (CRUD)
Address & Payment Popup Implementation
Placing Order
Managing User Orders (User App)
Managing Orders (Shop App)
Advanced Concepts
Google Login Setup + Implementation
Facebook Login Setup
Facebook Login Implementation
Push Notification Setup
Google Maps with GeoCoding
Cloud Functions – Send Notification based on Triggers
Understanding Security Rules